Can pseudo 3D achieve low cost?

Four years ago, with the success of 3D movies such as Avatar, and TV manufacturers eager to promote consumers who have previously updated to HDTV to upgrade their hardware, 3D TV became the hottest new consumer electronics at the time. One of the products. However, the industry has now largely shifted to promoting consumer upgrades to TV hardware through 4K Ultra HD TVs.

The problem with 3D TV is its high price, the need to wear glasses to watch and the user experience (distance, angle, compatibility of glasses, etc.), as well as lack of 3D content.

IOGEAR's GHDSSW4 "3DComplete+" product solves the problem of 3D content shortage. GHDSSW4 features four-port HDMI switching, image enhancement, multi-line and 2D to pseudo 3D content conversion.

Figure (a) GHDSSW4 front view

Figure (b) GHDSSW4 rear view

(Figure (a) is the front view of the GHDSSW4, and also shows the matching infrared remote control. Figure (b) is the rear view of the GHDSSW4, from which you can also see the fourth HDMI input port on one side.)

OGEAR has priced MSRP at $199.95, but a few weeks ago, I only bought MSRP online for $21.99, and even paid for it. Is such a low price caused the producers to clear the inventory because the sales of 3D TVs have shrunk dramatically? Next, let's analyze how much unit profit IOGEAR can generate when the product is priced at $199.95, and whether there is still room for profit when the product is sold for $21.99.

The smooth black plastic surface of GHDSSW4 is like a mirror (Fig. (c)). Remove the screw and lift the bottom plate to see the back of the PCB. The PCB is basically empty except for some mixed passive components (Fig. (d)).

Figure (c) GHDSSW4 base map

Figure (d) GHDSSW4 PCB back

Turn the PCB over (Figure (e)), and at the top you can see four "Select" LEDs for each HDMI input port. The left side of the LED is the selector switch; the right side of the LED is the infrared receiver module, then the power switch. The Texas Instruments TPS65251 power management unit (40-pin VQFN package) and associated circuitry are not located near the power switch, but directly below the selector switch.

Figure (e) GHDSSW4 PCB board

What is under the power switch? The special 48-pin LQFP device is the WT6573F touch device controller. It may be obvious that the "touch" function of the IC is not used in the GHDSW4; similarly, its "USB full speed/low speed device controller" support function has not been utilized. I suspect that IOGEAR only uses it as a system controller, using its Turbo8052 CPU core (and its 16KB embedded flash and 512 BRAM) and other integrated I/O ports and peripherals. This flexibility is mentioned in the product description: "When the USB-related circuit and the V33 regulator are disabled, the WT6573F can be used in battery-powered (VBAT ≤ 3.6V) portable applications."

On the left side of the WT6573F, you can see the Macronix MX25L3206E3 2Mb serial flash in an 8-pin SOP package. The flash memory and the two Nanya NT5TU64M 16GG-BE 1Gb (x16) DDR2 SDRAMs on the bottom left form the memory support for the Quartics QV1751-4001-ES VLIW video processor (the processing "center" of the system). The QV1751-4001-ES at the center of the PCB is used to handle upshifts, 2D-3D conversion and other video enhancement algorithms for GHDSSW4. The Silicon Image SiI9233ACTU four-port HDMI receiver on its right side feeds its signal, while its output is fed into the Silicon Image SiI9136CTU HDMI transmitter on its lower left.

Finally, the power output jack, HDMI output port and four HDMI input connectors are visible at the bottom of the PCB (from left to right).

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